Founded in 1847 by Edwin Lees, a famous son of Worcester, this is the oldest natural history society in the county and believed to be the second oldest naturalists’ field club in the country. As well as a programme of field and indoor meetings, the Club publishes its own journal, Transactions, which is distributed to all members, the British Library and other institutions.

Membership is very reasonable and is open to all those with a genuine interest in natural history. Please print the application below, fill in the appropriate blanks and return the completed Application Form to Michael Jupe:

Michael Jupe, Worcestershire Naturalists’ Club,
3 St Wulstans Drive, Malvern, Worcestershire WR 14 4JA

With regard to payment, please either enclose a cheque with your membership form, or set up a standing order online, or alternatively, complete the Standing Order Mandate below, print and send it directly to your bank.



……………………………………………………………………POST CODE….……………..

EMAIL…………………………………………………………………… TEL (optional)….……………..

DATE …………………………….…       Date of birth (if under 18)……………………………...

I/we hereby apply for membership of the Worcestershire Naturalists’ Club and enclose £…….. for my/our first year’s subscription, OR I confirm that I have sent the Standing Form Mandate to my/our bank (please delete whichever does not apply). (In view of our low membership rates, additional donations are very welcome!)

Annual Rates: Ordinary Members £8.00, Husband and Wife Joint Membership £12.00, Corporate Bodies £12.00, (Junior Members 10-18 years £1.00).


To:……………………………………………………………………………………..Bank (your bank)
Branch address:………………………………………………………………………………………….
Please pay National Westminster Bank plc (sort code 55-81-57) for the credit of Worcestershire Naturalists’ Club (A/C no. 06469531) the sum of £…. commencing on 2 January 20… and thereafter every year until you receive further notice from me/us in writing, quoting reference “subscription”, and debit my/our account accordingly.  This mandate cancels any previous order in favour of the beneficiary named above under this reference.

Account to be debited: Mr/Mrs/Ms ……………………………………………………………………

Account no.: …………………………………………….. Sort Code: ……………………………

Signed: …………………………………………………………..  Date: ……………………………..